🅔🅝🅖 Pride and Prejudice - Joe Wright

septiembre 23, 2020

First of all I want to talk about how interesting is how they shot the film. They treat the viewers as another character in the scene and almost all the perspectives and angles are right up there with the characters, as if you were a third figure within the story. 

As we can see in this images:

When Elizabeth and her
sister talk behind the sheets
Right up there with the characters

 During the ball, the camera stays right up there with the characters and follows their movements. If they kneel in order to curtsy, the camera will go down. If the characters spin, the camera will turns too. All the time it moves like it was between the people at the formal dance. Actually I think the ball scene is where makes itself felt this intention.

With regard to the lighting, stand out blue and orange tones and white. But I believe it's because these colors come from natural elements: The orange of the candles, the blue of the night and the white of the dawn. Although in some scenes I've given them some importance:

For example, at this very moment. I find it curious that Mr Darcy's face is divided by shades of orange and blue and reflects his personality. He is very shy on the outside (blue/cold), but in reality he is overflowing with feelings that do not know how to make them bloom (orange/warm).

As I've said before, the film is full of blue and orange lighting. But curiously in the almost final scene, at dawn, there are none of those colors.

But neither barely the white lighting reflects to them. I think It's because there is an unresolved sexual tension all around the movie. That tension burned within them and it absorbed them for a minute. At least that's how I've interpret it.
Until... Oh, magic. I think the frame speaks for itself.

And finally about the lighting I'd like to add that the father is only illuminated by white tones because his personality it's so pure

Notice how we empathize with the dramatic and tense situation of the characters cause most of the shots are close-up view. And what about this exchange of glances?

The film has also extreme wide shots of brutal landscapes which reminds me of the paintings by caspar David Friedrich, who used to paint immense panoramas with tiny characters sucked into nature.

Film scene
Friedrich,C (1809). The abbey in the oakwood [Oil on canvas]. Berlín, Nationalgalerie
Film scene

Friedrich,C (1822). Moonrise by the sea
[Oil on canvas]. Berlín, Nationalgalerie

It would not surprise me if they made  a reference to the painter cause his paintings are from the romanticism, the same context as the movie.

I'd like to clarify too that they have
made a reference to this illustration of the 1895 novel.

Okay, after all this chitchat I'm gonna give my personal opinion about the film:
I loved it so much, It's pretty beautiful. How they care about the details. It was shot in analog and I think was a very good idea cause gives that vintage touch to the filme. Although the movie was shot in 2005 and the digital cinema started in 1982, so I guess they did it on purpose cause the context of the story develops at the end of the 18th century and early 19th century.

To say something I didn't like, I have to say that at the beginning, I didn't recognize the characters and I didn't relate their names with them. And when they were talking about someone, I was like: Who are they talking about? I think they should have presented a bit better the characters.
Also it must be taken into account the people who have seen the movie knows the novel and they are familiar with the characters, so I understand it.

There is another stuff I didn't like which is that some change of scenes weren't enough developed and a bit confusing, in my humble opinion. For example when the ball scene ends, changes to another scene where it's daytime and two seconds after, it's midnight.

I have to say, I have a love-hate with the mother cause at first sight upsets me. I thought she was only a gold digger who doesn't care about his daughters. But then I've realized she just wanted to save her family of the eviction of her house. Actually it also made me laugh too.

In conclusion, I've really enjoy it. I thought the film would feels longer cause were 2 hours, but in the end it didn't.

And to finish the analysis I would like to show you my favourite frames of the film so let's go:

I'm a fan of the mother,
running away from the geeses

What a fantasy of swing set


The almost kiss moment was killing me
What the heck, look at those eyes.
By the way, at this shot we can see 
what I've said about the close-ups.
The laziness haha
The moment of: act normal. And the mother screaming. I've loved it

So cute, rehearsing for proposing
Loving it, the gossip

And at last but not least:

Remember this is a teamwork😉

This is how far I got with the analysis. I hope you liked it. Whoever has made it this far thank you so so much for reading me. I know I'm not professional but I've tried my best and I've enjoyed it.

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